Dr Robert and Pastor Maureen McQuillan’s Life Focus Ministries
is an unsponsored faith-based ministry. Inspirational speakers on the prophetic cutting edge, they’ve ministered locally and internationally at churches, seminars, retreats, counselling, business and leadership sessions and other special occasions.

Regarded as uplifting encouragers, Robert and Maureen sensitively, meaningfully and genuinely move in the gifts of the Spirit, particularly the prophetic, word of knowledge and healing. Their motto is: ‘Life is a gift… so focus on it and live it to the max, whatever the cost or challenge!’

Many, especially those struggling in ministry, appreciate their ‘pastor’s heart’ to willingly and freely mentor. They delight to inspire and challenge all Christians churches, ministers, potential leaders and young adults.

Dr Robert and Maureen McQuillan have gained a reputation as gentle but direct insightful encouragers to both churches and individuals. They repeatedly receive thank-yous for their monthly Connecting with You! being ‘spot-on’ and timely. ASSIST News Services (www.assistnews.net ) and GodReports (www.godreports.com) have run a number of their articles.

Special seminars include:

  • Moving in the Spirit – Where the Rubber Hits the Road
  • Marriage – The Real CSI! 
  • Leadership – The Next Step Ahead.

Experienced counsellors and mentors, they are available to encourage one-on-one (if local) and email (worldwide). They minister cross-culturally and interdenominationally for church  ministry engagements, email OnlinerConnect@gmail.com

Request for a brief ministry profile can be requested via link: OnlinerConnect@gmail.com

Connecting with You! is primarily a monthly encouragement based on what Robert and Maureen believe the Holy Spirit, the great church and Christian character builder, is currently saying and on biblical principles they consider vitally important.

This onliner also includes insightful articles from other sources, some of which may not have been fully proofread as this is a voluntarily ministry presentation with limited time and finances. Such sources may not always fully represent the views and beliefs of Dr Robert and Maureen McQuillan, but will contain encouragement, challenge and blessing. Readers are free to use any material provided the source or/and writer is acknowledged.

Scripture versions are used that best clarify the various points emphasised.

‘It is our joy and privilege to freely create and post this mini-mag, as is encouraging Christians, churches and leaders’ point out Robert and Maureen, adding, ‘Connecting with You! is an unsponsored ministry posted subscription-free. Prayer support is appreciated and welcomed for both it and the overall ministry, as are financial donations (only if readers are so led). Donations can be safely sent  through secure Bank Transfer (See home page Donate icon).’


  1. It is great to see this on-line publication taking good steps forward. While the printed page is likely to always be important and useful, it is obvious that an ever larger proportion of the world’s population is interacting with the internet. Go for it!

    1. Thanks, Charles. You’re a good encourager and we’re grateful that you know (with vision) the value of interacting with the internet. Personally we know that the Lord has opened this door for us to reach thousands through our God-given wordsmith/literati skills. May’s posting will be further updated to bless readers.

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