(April 26, 2024) Robert McQuillan shares very personally…

Well, it hit me unexpectedly the other night!

Now I admit that I was feeling a little ‘under the proverbial weather’ being tired after a busy day of writing and ghosting (ghostwriting) for our E-Mag, some counselling, encouraging folk and other matters.

Encouraging some ‘seniors’ was directing them to ‘keep on keeping on,’ content with doing whatever God wants of them where they are and, if in ministry, not be concerned about being unable to travel around like they used to do. (Maureen and I have had to do so).



(April 08, 2024) Robert McQuillan shares…

Last month’s news about Australian billionaire Clive Palmer refloating his dream to build a replica of the Titanic caught my attention.

His company, the Blue Star Line, intends the replica – Titanic II – to set sail in June 2027, the billionaire claiming that this ship would be ‘far, far superior to the original.’ 

Although the replica will have four funnels as had the original, this 21st century ship will be powered by a diesel engine. Modernisations will include upgrades to navigation technology and modern safety procedures – including sufficient lifeboats!

My mind immediately recalled a little romantic 19th century novella. It’s by Morgan Robertson and I found myself digging it out to reread. Originally called Futility, it was renamed The Wreck of the Titan.



(May 11, 2024) Angeline Selvakumari shares…

Greetings dear readers, in the precious name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, who blesses us with heavenly blessings.

This article holds special significance as Echo of His Call extends heartfelt wishes for a happy Mother’s Day tomorrow to all the mothers worldwide.

While such occasions bring joy to many, they may also evoke feelings of sadness for some. But before dismissing this message, thinking ‘I’m not a mother, so why bother reading,’ consider this: Mother’s Day is a celebration for all who embody the nurturing spirit of motherhood.

And, whether you’re a father, brother, uncle, sister or aunt who has assumed the role and responsibilities of a mother, Sunday May 12 is your day to commemorate and rejoice in your sacrificial love.



(May 09, 2024) Richard Winter encourages…

Folks, I want to start with a confession!

No – not about a sin, but about a place I used to go to, to make me a better person. Before Covid I went to the gym – many times, and I didn’t like it all that much.

You do the same things to get in shape, understanding it’s not just vain repetitions with weights and exercises but about your future. You do It again and again and one day you marvel at your change – you’ve lost weight and, hey, you’re looking good.

You’re able to do many more things, you’re breathing more easily… and your clothes fit you in a very enhancing way.

Needed: Spiritual Exercises!
But there is another side to us all beyond the physical. We are spiritual beings, and the apostle Paul wrote about another ‘gym’ that he attended – and so should we.



(May 06, 2024) Carol Round encourages… and challenges –

A friend recently posted the following on social media: One encounter with God can change your whole life.

She added, ‘I’ve personally experienced many God encounters that created a 180-degree change in my life.’

Her post led me to ponder my own God encounters. My earliest childhood memories of experiencing God were in nature. I grew up in southwestern Louisiana, where I spent many hours outside inhaling His creation in the branches of a Mimosa tree and hiding from the world.



(May 04, 2024) Norman and Margaret Moss reflect on receiving the comforting blessing of God’s incredible love…

In January an old mother was left in the passenger seat of the car while the owner popped into a shop to get something. Because the weather was cold the engine was left running to keep the heater going… and the car was unlocked.

Suddenly a bad man who has just been sentenced to more than eight years in prison jumped into the driver’s seat and stole the car including the passenger!

Seeing the car disappearing in the distance, the frantic car owner phoned the police. Asked for further information about the passenger it was explained that the mother was 89, had dementia, and was also blind.



(May 04, 2024) Brian Bell shares encouragingly …

If you’re thinking, ‘How can such a title bring me encouragement?,’ please keep reading!

Recently I have shared several lessons we can learn from Paul’s letters. Here I plan to share some thoughts about Paul… who was originally known as ‘Saul’ (Saulus or Shaul, the Jewish name of Paul, Paulus).

Luke tells us in Acts 7:58NLT about the stoning of Stephen: ‘The official witnesses took off their coats and laid them at the feet of a young man named Saul’ (possibly around 30ish then). And in Acts 8:1NLT that ‘Saul was one of the witnesses, and he agreed completely with the killing of Stephen.’



(April 30, 2024) Jesy Veena Sam shares encouragement… and challenges!

‘Saviour’ is sótér meaning deliverer. The good news in these dark days is that our Saviour Jesus will listen to our cries, and help us, deliver us!

God has always heard people’s genuine prayers, listened to their supplications, brought them though dangers, and granted them saviours (Note… lower case ‘s’).

Let’s look at how God used some ‘ordinary’ biblical individuals to rescue – deliver – needy people who called on Him for help them in their troubles.

A reluctant Moses became a saviour to the people of Israel enslaved in Egypt, subjected to harsh treatment and great sorrow (Exodus 1:11-14).



(April 29, 2024) Mama Lava tells a delightful story… with a heart-touching challenge.

The Story…
A young couple met young and fell madly in love.

Wife was beautiful and sweet, and Husband was charming and ready to take on the world.

(Photo Henri Pham on Unsplash).

They didn’t have much, but they had each other and their wild dreams for the future.

As the years went by, they experienced one disappointment after another. Business ideas blossomed and withered, and any meagre savings they managed to accumulate quickly dissipated. There were a couple of pregnancies, but none that went full-term. An injury incurred at a thankless job, leaving  Husband dejected and in constant pain.

They each felt empty and in need of something more, so Wife began to go to church. Husband preferred the bar. They lived together but grew far apart.



(April 24, 2024) Dr Jim McClure shares and explains an important truth…

When touring in Southern Ireland many years ago, Jean and I saw a signpost pointing to the place we wanted to visit.  We turned onto that road and drove, drove, and drove… The road’s condition gradually deteriorated until it ceased to exist in the middle of nowhere! Driving back to where we had seen the signpost, we discovered that someone had deliberately pointed it in the wrong direction! 

The lesson is obvious – you won’t arrive at the right destination if you travel on the wrong road! So I’m sharing about a road specifically named in the Old Testament – ‘Way of Holiness’, or the ‘Holy Road.’ 

It’s graphically described in Isaiah 35:8-10, ‘A highway will be there; it will be called the Way of Holiness. The unclean will not journey on it; it will be for those who walk in that Way; wicked fools will not go about on it. No lion will be there, nor will any ferocious beast get up on it; they will not be found there. But only the redeemed will walk there,  and the ransomed of the Lord will return. They will enter Zion with singing; everlasting joy will crown their heads. Gladness and joy will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee away.’



(April 22, 2024) Richard Winter encourages…

If you hang around with Australians for just a few moments you will hear them say to just about anything you say, ‘No worries, mate!’

‘Mate’ is the ‘Ozzie’ slang term for ‘friend’ and this expression is widely used representing a feeling of friendliness, mateship, good humour, kindness, and optimism – like the American ‘No problem.’

It’s a great attitude to have! But… did you know that Aussies weren’t the first to say this when things looked difficult – that Jesus was the first to say, ‘No worries, mate!’
