

(April 18, 2024) A Movieguide® Contributor  reports this concern…

Social psychologist and NYU professor Jonathan Haidt urges parents to keep their middle schoolers away from smartphones. 

‘We’ve got to let kids get through at least early puberty. Get this all out of middle school. Let’s really protect middle schoolers’ brains. Give them a flip phone if you want to communicate with them, not a smartphone,’ Haidt said while appearing on FOX & FRIENDS

Mental Health’s Steep Decline
He explained that smartphones ‘lock you in’ in a way that flip phones don’t due to the lack of easy access to social media platforms. 



(April 13, 2024) Michael Ashcraft shares a good news testimony…

The monster at the top of the stairs started Andrew Goodwin’s slide into schizophrenia, when he lost all hope in the future until Jesus set him free.

‘It was a green figure about four feet tall with yellow eyes with this really evil sadistic look,’ Andrew describes on The Ex-Schizophrenic Perspective YouTube channel. The four-year-old ran to his mum. When she came, there was no longer any monster. She looked through every drawer and closet to reassure her son and then put him to bed.

Psychological torture
Andrew, of Retford, England, didn’t see any more monsters. But an inexplicable evil presence remained. It remained with him until he was 20 years old.

Then as a pre-teen, he was sexually abused by a slightly older video-gaming friend. ‘I could hear audible laughing voices cackling at me,’ he said. ‘It was almost like the devil had spoken into my life: “You can’t trust your family. They can’t look after you. They can’t protect you.”’



(April 08, 2024) Honouring the late Dan Wooding founder of ASSIST, we share this story he published some years ago…

On Sunday, April 14, 1912, the unsinkable ocean liner Titanic sank to the bottom of the ocean after hitting an iceberg. About 700 people survived, but some1,500 people perished in the frigid north Atlantic because an insufficient number of lifeboats were placed on the ship.

 One of the passengers, John Harper, served as pastor of Walworth Road Baptist Church in London, England. He was a 39-year-old widower with Nan a six-year-old daughter. Harper was en route to Chicago, where he was slated to preach for several weeks at the Moody Church, according to an account in AoG News.

His daughter and niece accompanied him on the trans-Atlantic voyage. After the Titanic hit the iceberg, his daughter and niece boarded a lifeboat and survived.

Harper, however, refused to save himself and instead helped others to the crowded lifeboats. According to survivors, Harper preached the gospel until his dying breath, first on the sinking ship and then in the frigid waters.

The October 1928 issue of The Latter Rain Evangel (published by The Stone Church, a historic Assemblies of God congregation in Chicago), recounted the following story of John Harper’s last convert.



(March 30, 2024) Mark Ellis shares…

Sixteen-year-old Ben Hylden was in a hurry to get to physical therapy stemming from a high school basketball injury.  Running late, he decided to take a shortcut down a gravel round from his farm in Park River, North Dakota.

‘It was April, so there was still ice and snow on the road,’ he told GodReports. ‘I lost control on a patch of ice, went down into a ditch head-on, and flipped my car into a field numerous times.’

Tragedy on a Back Road
It happened to be Good Friday. Ben wasn’t wearing his seatbelt and got ejected through the passenger door, landing face-first in a field.

‘At that moment my whole life shifted, everything changed in my life,’ he recalls. ‘I was really into sports; I was an athlete, that was my identity in life. I thought that’s all there is to life.’

Ben said that he had a strong faith in God when he was young, perhaps the strongest at seven-years-old. But by the time he arrived in high school, his relationship with God was tenuous at best: ‘I wanted to fit in with everybody, to wear the right clothes. I grew up on a dairy farm and lived in a trailer as a kid growing up. I started comparing myself to everybody else. I got into basketball sports and that became like an idol. It became super serious and super stressful.’

Spiritually, he was going through the motions. ‘God began to be something like a checklist. Okay, I went to church. Okay, I went to youth group. Okay, I went to Bible camp. Instead of actually knowing God and having a strong faith, it was more about works.’

He was also not on good terms with his parents. ‘I grew angry and stressed out because of the pressure of sports. I didn’t want to be on the farm working; I didn’t want to be milking cows. So we’d fight all the time, I’d be mad at them all the time. I just wasn’t in a good place. I was an angry person at that point in my life.’

Alone with Little Hope
Ejected violently from the car, lying helplessly, Ben wondered if anyone would find him. ‘It was a back road. No one takes that road because of the snow and ice,’ he recounts. He had little hope.

When Ben face-planted into the dirt, he bit through his tongue. ‘I was swallowing all that blood and it went into my lungs instead of my stomach, so I was suffocating. I shattered my entire face, broke my nose into nine pieces. my palate broke in half, and I broke six ribs. My pancreas, small intestines, liver, lungs, and kidneys were all bruised and bleeding, and the artery in my right leg was crushed.’ Later, it would be determined he also suffered a brain injury.

Ben actually attempted to crawl on his back toward home, using his elbows to move a few inches at a time, because he wanted to tell his parents he loved them before he died. Then, improbably, God saw fit to mount a rescue for Ben on that Good Friday, using two unexpected people.

Surprisingly, Hylden’s parents discovered him five minutes after the crash. ‘That was a miracle that they found me. They weren’t looking for me because they thought I was already in town. But for some reason they decided to take that road, on that day, at that time’ Ben adds.

At first, they couldn’t identify their own son. ‘My face was totally distorted. They couldn’t recognise me at all, because it was so full of mud and blood and so swelled up.’ Immediately, his parents called 911.

Ben’s mom looked down at his feet. ‘That was her first moment of recognition after she put a coat on me. She recognised my feet,’ he says. But in his shattered condition, he didn’t realise it was his parents. ‘They were holding me in the field, praying and crying. I didn’t know who they were, though. I thought they were two nice people. My eyes were swelled shut and my ears were filled with dirt. I could faintly hear their voices. I knew it was a man and a woman.’

Limp Body
As they attended him, they watched their son’s body go limp for about four minutes. ‘I wasn’t breathing and I was gone. I remember taking that last breath.’

It took at least 15 minutes for the ambulance to arrive. Ben was still breathing when it reached the hospital but the doctors’ prognosis was grim. ‘I had a really bad brain injury. I was supposed to lose parts of my organs, I was supposed to lose my right leg, have brain damage for the rest of my life’ Ben shares.

When doctors attempted exploratory surgery, his lungs collapsed. ‘I wasn’t breathing again for around five minutes. They said my lungs would swell, and I would suffocate and die by Easter,’ he tells. Then doctors placed him on a mechanical ventilator.

Easter miracle
But God intervened, breathing new life into Ben’s lungs.
 ‘Amazingly, my lungs never swelled up. To the doctors, that was the greatest miracle; to them it was simply impossible. They thought there’s no way they can’t fill up after going through so much. But they never did.’

That Easter, Ben passed from death to life. ‘By Monday, I was rapidly healing. I was actually out of the ICU the next Thursday, in six days, which was in the doctors’ minds insane.’

Ben faced many challenges during a long recovery process. ‘There were many times that I just couldn’t understand why all these things would happen to me. There was a point after my accident I got so depressed where I wanted to commit suicide, I was admitted into the psych ward at the hospital in Grand Forks, because I was mentally ill.’

It wasn’t until Ben was a sophomore in college that he fully surrendered to God. ‘That was a tough year because I had another leg surgery, which really brought me down because that artery in my right leg stopped working. I thought I was done with all the injuries.’

Before the surgery, Ben had been attracted by the party lifestyle in college. ‘I started getting into the world, the drinking and the temptations of life. I was lost. I didn’t want to do it. But then I kept doing it.’ Why do I keep doing the things that I don’t want to do? Why am I doing this? he wondered.

Rescued Body and Soul
On the anniversary of his accident, a spirit of repentance fell on Ben’I woke up and I just began crying, just crying my eyes out. Because I knew I was in this pit. I just felt so empty and so full of guilt and sin and just didn’t know how to get out of it. I was repenting and wanting to change so bad’ he says.

God had rescued his body; now God rescued his soul. ‘As I was crying, that burden was being taken away.’

He recognised he had to let go of trying to be good and placed all his faith and trust in Jesus Christ. With childlike faith, he asked the Holy Spirit to make him into somebody new. ‘This was the greatest moment of my life, my spiritual resurrection, because it gave me freedom,’ he says. ‘From then on, it’s been a journey to share my story and to share the gospel.’

(Photos above of Benn: Ben Hylden is the author of Finding Faith in the Field. To learn more about his ministry go here
_________________________________________________________, founded by Mark Ellis in 2009, is devoted to promoting Christian missions by sharing stories and testimonies from missionaries and mission organisations.


(March 18, 2024) Ross and Donna, Mandate Ministries, share from Chiang Mai, northern Thailand, particularly regarding Ross’ health…

Health update
Ross was recently diagnosed as having stage 4 oesophageal cancer which has metastasised to theliver and lymph nodes in the abdominal cavity. We have temporarily relocated to Brisbane so he can receive chemotherapy and immunotherapy treatment.

We are taking all that medical science can offer and are also believing for a miracle of healing. We would appreciate your prayers for the obliteration of all the cancer cells in Ross’ body and for full and total healing and restoration.



(March 16, 2024), Alan Higgins challenges us to be a radical disciple and be a missionary – like Patrick was…

It’s Saint Patrick’s Day tomorrow and I recall what Ireland’s patron saint achieved in respect of discipleship and mission. The main scriptures – familiar to many – that I have chosen are Jeremiah 29:11 and Matthew 28:16-20… scriptures, I believe, that must have been on Patrick’s heart.

What can we learn from them… and what do they tell us about Saint Patrick, the Irish legend?          

His Life
Patrick’s life exemplifies Jesus’ command to reach the lost.
The gospels give us the following messages from the heartbeat of Jesus, not just Patrick, on the importance of fulfilling the great commission.

Matthew 28:16-20 is what Patrick set out to do in Ireland – to make disciples in this nation. His life and ministry teach us to be open to the call of God on our lives.



(December 23, 2023) Peter Kim shares a great testimony…

‘Mother, I can’t live here… I have to go to South Korea.’ The moment Young-Ae heard her son’s words, her heart sank.

A short time later, Young-Ae and her brother-in-law’s family decided to cross the river from North Korea into China. To their consternation, it was a night with a bright full moon. To make the situation worse, she could see the guard post along the riverside. Young-Ae caught her breath in fear.

Calling on the unknown God
Without knowing who God is, she began to call on His mighty power in heaven, ‘If you exist, please Supreme Power in Heaven, save me!’

Suddenly dark clouds covered the moon, making it pitch-black. It seemed like an answer to her prayer! Was heaven really listening?



(December 09, 2023) Elizabeth Kendal, RLPB, shares…

Blaise Pascal is mostly remembered as a 17th Century French child prodigy; a genius in mathematics and physics. But Pascal was also an extraordinary theologian and apologist of grace. Though he remained in the Catholic Church, he was beloved of Protestants.

Pascal is the author of one of my favourite quotes on prayer: ‘God has instituted prayer in order to lend his creatures the dignity of causality’ . . . causality being the principle that every effect has a cause. As Pascal understood, God instituted prayer for our benefit!



(December 04, 2023) Wayne Swift calls it as it really is regarding Christmas…

1. Someone has to pay 
When something goes wrong, the repair costs!

Something went wrong with the church lift and we tried to reset it… but it didn’t work. Eventually we had to have a serviceman come to repair the lift and – surprise, surprise – we had to pay for his time.

  • To put it simply… something went wrong and someone had to pay.

One Friday I noticed a screw in the tyre of Ruth’s car and knew that it was only a matter of time before the tyre went flat, as in this icon. So I had a choice – pay now or pay later. To get the problem fixed I needed to find someone with a solution. Something went wrong and someone had to pay.



(November 28, 2023) David McGuire, originally from England, has been called The Missionary With The Camera. He often conveys reports to readers with his camera, not words! But here he does… sharing his heart regarding Romanian Christians who are still willing to assist troubled Ukrainians with needed supplies.

David emails…
I’ve been praying today and the Lord has put something very dear on my heart – the need to take food bags to areas close to the Ukranian war zone before Christmas.
