(December 20, 2023) Robert McQuillan shares a Christmas/2024-centred encouragement.

It seems no time at all when back in July people were half-jokingly saying, ‘Gosh, how time flies, it’ll soon be Christmas!’

Suddenly it was late October and some folk were exclaiming, ‘Golly gosh, soon be Christmas! Where has the year gone?’ Then it was November and, as Alan Higgins mentions in his article, extremely early Christmas sales adverts and a mad ‘charging-about-like-eejits’ time unknown to the real Christmas story of Joseph and Mary (Joseph the Dreamer).

And right now Christmas is really just round the corner… merely a few days away!
And some people are talking about 2024! In fact we’ve just received an Easter article… already!

Responding to some people who have asked me about 2024, I felt led to share the perspective that I sense – that it will be a ‘venturous year for those wanting to follow the Lord.’

Now ‘venturous’ means willing to take risks or embark on difficult or unusual courses of action.’ In other words, something that requires dedication, willingness and for Christians a reliance on the blessed Holy Spirit!

I didn’t explain this meaning to those I spoke to, just mentioned the word ‘venturous’ and it gelled! In fact, all immediately excitingly agreed with me, adding ‘But how will I know the way?’

One young lady interstate commented that her Pentecostal church was abounding with several encouraging prophecies regarding next year and she desired to know her role regarding what the Lord wishes her to be doing. It was a joy to pray for her that she’d hear from the Holy Spirit and with His help achieve much.

The reality of the coming 2024 (or any new year for that matter) is that despite whatever troubles are around, God has work for His spiritual children to be involved in, no matter our age.

In most cases it’ll somehow involve the great commission. Whatever the outworking is, we need to know what He wants of us and be committed… pledged to His service! As regards knowing His will for us, wanting God to reveal it to us, I’m reminded of the following…

As many friends know, one of the ways Maureen and I relax is watching old movies. One that zeroes in on Christmas (one that we’ve actually watched anytime of the year!) is the James Stewart 1947 classic that Movieguide® named ‘arguably the most beloved movie of all time.’

It’s a Wonderful Life is a Christmas story about (as Jimmy Stewart once put it in a Movieguide® report) ‘… an ordinary man who discovers that living each ordinary day honourably, with faith in God and a selfless concern for others, can make for a truly wonderful life.’

This old-fashioned wholesome movie was actually Jimmy Stewart’s first on returning from England after finishing four years WW2 service flying B-24 bombers over Germany. Having flown many combat missions, he’d gained the rank of major and received recognition and medals.

Known to have relied on his faith both during the war and in life in general, Jimmy Stewart has told how a little book his dad gave him before he was shipped out brought him through those tense years of leading men into bombing raids. Called The Secret Place A Key to the 91st Psalm, he read it before every raid over Europe – and carried it with him. He has said, ‘And I was borne up. Dad had committed me to God, but I felt the presence of both throughout the war.’

But… now back home he was wareffected, depressed, sickly-looking, couldn’t sleep or focus. And wondering about the future… and his acting career, and about this first offered role on returning to America.

In It’s a Wonderful Life, the character he played is George Bailey, a humble businessman who turns nastily ungrateful, worried sick due to an unexpected seemingly unsolvable crisis and wanting to end his life.

Faith in Jesus drives the man behind the character. Jimmy Stewart has recalled his own feelings during that lowest point in George Bailey’s life when faced with unjust criminal charges and, not knowing where to turn, ends up slumped in despair in a little roadside restaurant, unaware that most of the township’s people are arduously praying for him because they care.

In all honesty, Jimmy Stewart has commented: ‘In agony I raise my eyes and, following the script, plead, “God… God… dear Father in heaven, I’m not a praying man, but if you’re up there and you can hear me, show me the way. I’m at the end of my rope. Show me the way, God…“’

And added, ‘As I said those words, I felt the loneliness, the hopelessness of people who had nowhere to turn, and my eyes filled with tears. I broke down sobbing. This was not planned at all, but the power of that prayer, the realisation that our Father in heaven is there to help the hopeless, had reduced me to tears.’(Source Movieguide® quoting from a Guidepost article:)

The movie’s George Bailey’s simple but powerful prayer converted everything around him! This Hollywood movie’s heart is a predilection about always –

  • Doing the right thing.
  • Having the right attitude.
  • Considering others first.
  • Relying on a caring God.
  • Appreciating that the gift of life is indeed wonderful.
  • Knowing that prayers get answered… God’s way.

Whatever God has in store for Jesus followers in 2024, know this –
whatever our challenges in this mixed-up, troubled world, whatever our inadequacies let’s be conscious that we’re not licked, we’re on the victor’s side! That God our caring Father in heaven is on our side.

Christians are meant to be a ‘moving on’ people who are comforted, strengthened by Jesus’ famous John 14:1 encouragement not to let our hearts be troubled. The GNB version reads: ‘Do not be worried and upset … Believe in God and believe also in me.’

Then there’s comforting Luke 12:32 (NKJV), ‘Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.’’ 

And have you ever noticed that Paul never mentions any back armour in Ephesians 6:11-17? And why? The Holy Spirit has our back as we can dare to move on!

In verse 10 the apostle tells us to be strong in the Lord, in the protection of His might. Message Bible puts it this way: ‘God is strong, and He wants you strong.’ After highlighting various weaponry of our God-given armour Paul directs us to stand firm and be champions against challenges ahead, and Satan’s deceptive schemes. In verse 18 he adds to always pray in the Spirit and to be alert!

There’s an expectancy here! An old adage we share when teaching on the ways of the Holy Spirit is this: In the things of the Spirit, expect the unexpected!

If we’re plugged-in praying sincerely as Paul urges, then we should resolve to be expecting our comforting, all-powerful God to move on our behalf! Even mysteriously at times.

In learning of people’s situations and prayer requests; their dark nights of concern, feeling there’s no answer and they want to ‘give it away’ we can share five things (five – that well-known number in respect of ‘grace’), assuring them that, to quote Jimmy Stewart, our graceful Father in heaven is there to help the hopeless
1) Remember always that prayer is the answer (In some cases, the only answer).
2) Do whatever you can or have to do (seeking advice from genuine spiritual friends if necessary).
3) Go with the flow, standing firmly on some scripture verse.
4) Share blessings with others.
5) Keep trusting, believing, praising God – and be expecting!

Maureen and I can testify that in many difficult, seemingly impossible circumstances, the answer has come and certain miracles have resulted as we’ve prayed for/believed for on behalf of others! And often a comforting prophetic word has flowed as has, if required, interpretation of dreams, discerning of spirits and clear biblical teaching regarding misunderstandings.

We need to be aware of God’s bigger picture
if we’re to grow in trusting our Lord! This means, especially in times of concern and heartache, looking in faith beyond the current picture of what we see going down, and reaching up to our heavenly Father who sees beyond today!

The humble prayer of that George Bailey character was ‘I’m at the end of my rope. Show me the way, God…’ and he got his answer in a miraculous way. Hollywood style yes, but the reality that our caring Father is willing to comfort and help us find the way ahead when we ask in prayer.

It’s a knowing that we know that we know a Holy Spirit assurance within our heart, or begins with an enlightening scripture. Bible concordances will list many perceptive scriptures on the word ‘show’… that’s ra’ah found over 1300 times in the Old Testament, primarily meaning to see, perceive, consider. One of God’s names is Jehovah Raah, indicating intimacy between God and His people (eg Psalm 23:1 – our shepherd friend).

Here’s a few other scriptures in respect of God wanting to show the way ahead in His purposes…

  • Abraham, challenged to move on, hears: ‘… I will show you’ (Genesis 12:1).
  • Moses, seeking God’s presence, hears: ‘I will show mercy to anyone I choose’ (Exodus 33:19ESV).
  • Samuel, wanting God’s protection, hears: ‘I will show you what to do’ (1 Samuel 16:3).
  • David, knowing his God confidently, wrote: ‘No one who hopes in you will ever be put to shame… Show me your ways, Lord’ (Psalm: 25:4).

‘Show’ in the New Testament is translated about 100 times in different ways. In connection with God revealing things here’s…

  • Jesus, sharing future incidents… ‘began to show His disciples that He must…’ (Matthew 16:21NKJV).
  • Paul, explaining God’s goodness… ‘He might show the incomparable riches of His grace’ (Ephesians 2:7). 
  • Hebrews writer, assuring readers … ‘God desired to show more convincingly… the unchangeable character of His purpose’ (Hebrews 6:17NKJV).
  • John, about his book … ‘The revelation of Jesus Christ… to show to His servants the things that must soon take place’ (Revelation 1:1).

James Stewart’s George Bailey movie character had his prayer answered regarding God’s plan. As we move beyond Christmas, let’s seek God’s ‘bigger picture’… aware that it goes beyond a ‘small optometrist-type visual.’ God will show the way ahead when we ask! With the Holy Spirit’s help, we will know what God wants us to be involved in and will assist us come 2024!

Can I encourage readers to avoid wrongly believing that we don’t have a role to play for the kingdom – this  is but one of Satan’s deceptions! In Christ we’re bigger than that!


Dr Robert and Pr Maureen McQuillan’s links: OnlinerConnect@gmail.com and Facebook. Links: Alan Higgings Joseph the Dreamer / Wayne Swift’s Summing up Christmas / Dr Richard Winter’s Finding the Best Christmas Gift and Mary – Heart of an Unlikely Hero  / Dr Jim McClure’s The Light has Come / Angeline Selvakumari’s Gift of the Prince of Peace / Brian Bell’s 2024 a New Leap Year / Maureen McQuillan’s My Christmas Miracle Gift


  1. Robert… thanks so much! I was struggling with some ‘stuff’ this week, not making the progress I felt I should and the Holy Spirit has used your article to show/confirm a way forward for me, reflected particularly in what you call the ‘Predilection.’

    1. Great to have assurance that the Holy Spirit is our comforter, friend and assistant. We owe Him so much… and praise Jesus for sending Him. What would we who know Him do without Him! Precious dove of God! Believing for you to hear His leading.

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