(January 03, 2024) Norman and Margaret Moss reflect…

I (Norman) had reached the time of life when reading the lower lines of the optician’s chart involved a few hopeful guesses!

So it was no surprise when the optician ruled that it was time for a cataract operation. I am happy to report that I finished last year with better sight than at the beginning. And now I can really ‘look’ ahead to 2024!

Exciting spiritual eyesight
seriously, how exciting it is to know that Jesus offers us more than mere physical eyesight! He offers spiritual eyesight.

Margaret and I were meditating on 2 Kings 6:16 about a troubled city and a prophet seeing with such spiritual eyesight – ‘“Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, that he may see.”’ 

We felt the Lord was saying –

‘Soon you will be with me. Then you will see clearly. But even now I anoint your eyes to that you may see things that are in the heavenly places so that you walk more confidently with me.

‘Open your eyes to the battle. See beyond events, see beyond the sicknesses that afflict humanity, see beyond the disasters, the wars, and the pandemics. See beyond the temptations which afflict your own soul.

‘Open those same eyes of the Spirit and see the billions of the redeemed rejoicing in the heavenly places, see the armies of angels, and know that just one angel has more strength than the greatest human weaponry.

‘See also the wisdom in my eyes, and the long-suffering kindness of your Redeemer. Should I not show mercy on the world I created? See and know that if I allow suffering, it is to bring about a greater good.

No purpose of mine is defeated, no plan overthrown. The enemy rages, but he shall not prevail. The church at prayer has greater resources than those of the powers of darkness. It is the gates of hell that tremble not the gates of heaven.

‘Believe with all your heart and see and understand all that I show you. Know also that there are great companies of the heavenly host apportioned to every one of my children. See the watchers and helpers’ surrounding each believer. Encouragers of my people and strengtheners of their hearts. So understand that you are not alone but I am always with you and that my holy ones, are stationed all around you.

‘For it is I who gives wisdom and understanding, and the victory is mine. I will prevail and every knee shall bow to me.’

May the Lord bless you richly in this ensuing year.

Norman and Margaret Moss pastored Queen’s Road Baptist Church, Wimbledon for over 30 years, experiencing charismatic renewal since the 1960s and bringing the congregation into renewal in the 70s when the church grew significantly. Their desire is still to encourage ministers, churches and groups that are hungry for more of the Holy Spirit and although ‘retired’ they preach and teach by Zoom, and also contribute to Dr. Ayodele Afuye’s Vessels of Virtues Fire Ministries. Link:


  1. Amen and thank you for that relevant meditation. Lord, help me to keep my eyes open to all the Holy Spirit is doing.

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