

(January 03, 2024) Carol Round shares encouragement for 2024…

Isaiah 40:31 –But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint’ is one of my favourite scriptures. When I close my eyes, I can picture an eagle soaring overhead as I look up toward the heavens where I find my hope.

The scripture also renews my strength and keeps me moving forward in a world often filled with hopelessness. 

We’ve just come out of a season of hope and joy – a season filled with goodwill toward men. But after the gifts are unwrapped and the decorations are stowed, we often feel empty.



George Forbes 2010(November 14, 2016) Missionary statesman Dr George Forbes reminds us of the reality of this promise…

 This often quoted statement by a famous missionary has inspired many to see the divine possibilities in every situation. God is on schedule with his plan for planet Earth. The prospects for completion of the task of world evangelisation have never been better.

  • God promised Abraham that through him all nations on earth would be blessed.
  • He promised Jesus that he would give him the nations for an inheritance and the ends of the earth for his possession.
  • He declared that all the ends of the earth would remember and turn to the Lord and all the families of the nations would worship before him.
  • He promised that he would pour out his Spirit on all flesh and that whoever called on the name of the Lord would be saved.

The Bible is full of God’s promises
Especially regarding his purpose and plan to gather to himself a people from every tribe, tongue, nation and ethnic group in the world. (more…)


dr-robert-and-maureen-092016(October 28, 2016) Robert and Maureen McQuillan share …

Chatting to a friend recently it was a delight to hear him share what was a fresh revelation to him: ‘At last I know what faith is really all about – it’s about trusting, really trusting Jesus. I know you guys have been telling me that for years – but I didn’t get it! I never realised that I had to let go and let God! Now I am… no matter even if something I need God to do, have prayed about in humble faith, doesn’t seem to be working out, I can still trust him, knowing that Jeremiah 29:11 scripture you keep reminding me about is for real, for me!’

Good news revelation indeed. And something we all need to get a grip of… after all, any new day can bring forth some storm clouds out of the blue, something unexpected can eventuate, something can go wrong. And that’s life! (more…)


Brian Bell
Brian Bell mediates on the above …

Perhaps you too have said something like that…’There must be something better…’ when you found yourself in a difficult situation. Particularly one you didn’t understand or in which you were struggling to cope.

Psalm 118: 8 offer us encouragement regarding something better: ‘It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.’ ‘Better’ … that’s the Hebrew word tobe meaning ‘good, cheerful, well-favoured.’ (more…)


Andrew CorbettAndrew Corbett reminds us that of this reality …

The capstone of the accounts of Jesus life, ministry, and redemptive work is John’s gospel.

It is quite possibly the most profound book in the Bible. It opens with the same three words that the entire Bible commences with – ‘In the beginning.’ (more…)